Aaron and I have wanted to go hiking all summer, but one of us has always been injured (see: my sprained ankle, his first shoulder separation, his second shoulder separation, his surgery, my bike accident — whew).

We were finally both well enough to hike the Ira Spring Trail to Mason Lake today, and it was amazing!

The trail is 3.5 miles up, up and away to Mason Lake, and it provided just the right amount of challenge to keep things interesting but not kill us. We definitely got great calf, quad and cardio workouts.

Once we got to the lake — a gorgeous, still, mirror-like alpine gem — we lunched on PB&J sandwiches, apples and snap peas. I also took the opportunity to relax on a flat rock and soak up the sunshine. I could’ve napped there for a few hours at least, but Aaron preferred to head back down… sighhh.

It was the perfect late-summer day for a hike, with just a few orange-tinged trees suggesting the imminent arrival of fall — my favorite.

I also loved the quality time spent with my best friend, except for when he grabbed me for a hug and then pretended like he was going to throw me over a sheer cliff. I still love him… kind of. : )

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