Just finished my last run in Seattle – the last run I’ll ever do that ends at this front door.

5 miles – 44:40 (8:56 pace)

Also my first run in seven days. Lazy me!

Can’t upload/show my Garmin splits because we’ve already canceled our Internet.

I think the sweat stain adds authenticity, though. Not to mention class. : )

I had a fabulous farewell lunch at Poquitos today with Meg!

All the food was just as delicious as it looks. If I could have a big scoop of that guacamole available to me at all times, that would be grrrrreat.

I can’t wait until Meg BQs at the Vancouver Marathon in May. Just watch her — homegirl is a beast.

Thanks again for the tasty lunch, Meg! I should really leave the country more often if this is what I get… : )

Odds & Ends

Lots of trip preparation. No exercise. That about sums up my week!

I spent two hours yesterday trying on shorts and tank tops since it’s summer in the South Pacific and, boy, I do not recommend doing this in the dead of winter when you’re ghostly pale. Not that I recommend tanning, either, but my pasty legs look really awkward in shorts. Or maybe it was the lighting in the fitting room?

Anyway, traveling with only a backpack is pretty much my dream come true solely for the fact that I’ll be limited to a handful of clothing items, and it’s actually acceptable to wear the same plain t-shirts and tank tops over and over again like I do anyway.

Cheap tees and messy hair = not normal for a nice office environment (see memory lane below). But I was born to travel, baby.

My hair will be that long again… someday.

This week on Answering Oliver, I wrote about my new round-the-world backpack and a bunch of travel-planning tasks I’ve recently completed:

My RTW Backpack, Part Two: Osprey Farpoint 55

9 Days To Go! Pre-Trip Odds & Ends

NINE DAYS, people. I hope to squeeze some running in between giving 99.8% of my stuff away, moving out of my townhouse, selling my car, saying goodbye to all my friends and getting ready to leave for good. I’ll at least have to hit my favorite waterfront trail one more time before I leave Seattle.

Wow, that just made me sad. Time to end this post. Happy Friday!

Lazy bum

I spent the weekend at my mom’s house eating cheese and lemon meringue pie. Yummm.

I’ve missed a bunch of runs, and I don’t really care. With the snow last week and the rain now, it’s not worth it to me to possibly get sick before my trip. And I’m just lazy. And my jeans actually fit again! It seems like that was more of an eating/moderation issue.

I did a 3-mile run (29:29) yesterday on my mom’s treadmill and Level 1 of the 30-Day Shred today. Right as I finished, I checked my doorstep and found THIS!

Kindle Keyboard 3G! The 3G works globally, which will come in handy, and it’ll keep me entertained on long flights, bus rides, etc.

I already downloaded a book for free (21-day checkout) from the Seattle Public Library. Love, love, love technology!

Now I need book suggestions! I’ve already read the Hunger Games books and plan to start on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo soon.

Also: Today I’ll get the last of my travel shots. I wrote on Answering Oliver about the total cost of my vaccinations:

The Real Costs of Travel Vaccinations (Brace Yourself)

Exciting stuff. Don’t forget to leave me your book picks!


Yesterday I trudged through the snow to the grocery store (0.5 mile away) because I was out of necessities: apples, bananas, peanut butter, veggies for roasting, Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked fro-yo and Cadbury Creme eggs.

I know it’s January, but who knows if I’ll have access to Cadbury eggs when Easter actually rolls around? WHO KNOWS???

I might have eaten one during the walk back home.

Being patriotic does not exempt your car from getting stuck, abandoned and covered with ice, apparently.

Today it’s raining, and all the pristine, beautiful snow is turning into slush. It was nice while it lasted, snow.

New post on Answering Oliver about the heart stuff that went on this week:

A Matter of the Heart

And if you enjoy reading that blog, feel free to like it on Facebook. I’m this close to 100 likes and I would love you forever. FOREVER.