(Almost) 15 Months Later…

Hi there! What’s new with you? Only a few things have happened here since I last wrote:

  • We spent many months in a fog of exhaustion and all-consuming love.
  • I went back to work when Evie was three months old.
  • Aaron enjoyed a month of paternity leave with Evie, and then she started daycare at four months old.
  • We bought a house when Evie was five months old.
  • We took a few trips with Evie (to California for weddings) and without Evie (to Vegas for food and booze!).
  • I moved to a new role at my company when Evie was 13 months old, taking an awesome step forward that I didn’t think I’d be able to take for a few more years — and certainly not immediately following a year of just trying to get by as I adjusted to life as a working mom. (I’m a little proud of this, if you can’t tell.)
  • I turned 30.
  • I started running again… then stopped… and started again… then stopped again. But now I’ve started again! And it’s going really well! It’s been a process.
  • I ran a trail relay with four other women in April (we won second place!) and the Beat the Bridge 8K in May. I plan to write recaps of both!
  • I thought a lot about what this blog would be become.
  • I finally decided what this blog would become.

Despite what my relentless pregnancy blogging may have suggested, this will not be a “mommy blog.” As much as I love gushing over my daughter’s every move and sharing photos of her, I’m much more comfortable doing that in more contained settings: in-person with family and friends, on my private Facebook, and on my now-private Instagram. (I’ve started a separate, public Instagram account to focus on running and fitness: @dev.on.running!)

I grew up without the details of my life shared on the Internet, and I chose when and how to eventually share them. I would like to give her the same opportunity. This isn’t a judgment on anyone who does share their kids’ lives via blogging and social media — I love following many bloggers who do this — it’s just what feels best for us.

The first year of motherhood was an incredible journey (I’m cringing at the cheesiness as I write that, but it’s true), and I want to share a bit about it as I continue to write about running. One of my good friends just had a baby and has been asking me questions about the newborn stage that I struggle to answer because I’ve nearly forgotten what those days were like, even though they weren’t really that long ago. In my writing here, I want to preserve some of those early memories before they’re completely lost to the new-parent haze of chronic fatigue.

So, please bear with me as I slowly return to blogging — probably haphazardly, although I’ll aim for at least one post a week — and randomly mix in stuff about being a mom with stuff about being a runner. I am both now, but I’m still me — trying to be fit and healthy as always, just with a kid in tow. 

Thanks for reading!

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